For my Bat Mitzvah, I have decided to raise money for Shalva. Shalva is an extraordinary place that helps many children with special needs. Children can come and get the therapies that they need and also have a lot of fun. I have worked very hard to make over 400 personalized cups in order to sponsor a carnival that helped spread joy at the Shalva center in Jerusalem. I have a personal closeness to Shalva because my cousin loves going there after school and enjoys all of the love and care that he gets there. I also know how helpful Shalva is to my Aunt and Uncle who really benefit from the extra time that my cousin gets having fun outside of the house.
Judith Goldsmith | 180 USD | MaZel Tov Rosie! We are so proud of all the work you do! J&M +BMW |
Maya Apter | 180 USD | Mazal tov, Rosie! |
Natalie Solomon | 180 USD | Mazel Tov Rosie! |
Odelia Koutcher | 100 USD |