For my bat mitzvah project I chose to support Shalva. There are a few reasons for this. I have a brother with special needs and I know first hand how happy these types of programs make him. I also love basketball and Shalva has a basketball team where they get to play in big stadiums. I also chose a project in Israel because my family and I are finally taking our first family trip to Israel in 7 years! I cannot wait! Please help me reach my fundraising goal :) Love, Daniella Stark
Lindsey Mayerfeld | 30 USD | From Ami, Max and Joshy’s lemonade stand |
Rivki Ebner | 36 USD | Mazel Tov, Daniella! Kol Hakavod on this wonderful bat mitzvah project! |
Aryeh and Judy Goldberg | 108 USD | Mazel tov on your Bas Mitzvah, Daniella! |
Atara and Elli Schultz Fenner | 100 USD | Mazal Tov on your Bat Mitzvah! We hope you continue your acts of chesed and follow in the footsteps of your amazing parents!!! |
Malkie and Herzl Ginsburg | 50 USD | Mazal Tov Daniella on your Bat Mitzvah! May you continue to be a great source of nachat to your family and community |
Shachar and Zev Levy | 180 ILS | Mazal Tov Daniella! |
Noah Rabinsky | 180 USD | Mazel tov, Daniella! |
Naomi and Ari Wiesen | 50 USD | Kol hakavod Daniella!!! |
Avery and Aliza Joel | 250 USD | In honor of Ricky Rothner and the Rothner and Stark families. You all have such big hearts! Way to go Daniella! |
Melissa Rothner | 180 USD | How wonderful that you’re starting off as a בת מצוה by raising money for צדקה We’re very proud and duly impressed. |
Avigail & David Rothner | 180 ILS | MAZAL TOV TO DANIELLA! So special that you are celebrating your bat mitzvah this way! |
Eric Rothner | 250 USD | Mazel Tov on your becoming a Bas Mitzvah and Yasher Koach on being part of such a wonderful project. Love, Zayde |
Aharon Shevach | 180 USD | Mazal tov!! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Sending you so much love. Xoxo, Aharon Shevach & Adina Steinman-Shevach |
Nira & Jacob Stark | 50 USD | |
Buckhurst Lemonade Stand | 85 USD | Keep up the great fundraising! |
Amy and Daniel rothner | 100 USD | |
Liora and David Stark | 180 USD | To our extraordinary, loving, beautiful, sweet niece- Mazal tov and kol hakavod! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see you soon! |
Josh Pollick | 36 USD | |
Anonymous | 250 USD | Dani, you are truly an amazing young woman. Love you tons! |
Anna and Alain Serels | 52 USD | Mazal Tov! |
Elise Goldsmith | 100 USD | Mazel Tov! This is amazing. Love, the Goldsmith/Shiffrin cousins |
Tamar & Elliot Smith | 50 USD | go daniella go!! mazel tov!! xo |
Anonymous | 100 USD | Great Job Dani!!!!!! |
Lyndsay Shoag | 50 USD | Mazal Tov Dani! We love you and are so proud of you! |
rivka felsenstein | 500 ILS | mazal tov Daniella!! We are very proud if you and your wonderful decision to support Shalva!!! |