Daniella Stark

My Fundraising Goal: 3,000 USD
Total Raised To Date: 2,721 USD
Remaining: 279 USD

For my bat mitzvah project I chose to support Shalva. There are a few reasons for this. I have a brother with special needs and I know first hand how happy these types of programs make him. I also love basketball and Shalva has a basketball team where they get to play in big stadiums. I also chose a project in Israel because my family and I are finally taking our first family trip to Israel in 7 years! I cannot wait! Please help me reach my fundraising goal :) Love, Daniella Stark

All Sponsors:
Lindsey Mayerfeld 30 USDFrom Ami, Max and Joshy’s lemonade stand
Rivki Ebner36 USDMazel Tov, Daniella! Kol Hakavod on this wonderful bat mitzvah project!
Aryeh and Judy Goldberg 108 USDMazel tov on your Bas Mitzvah, Daniella!
Atara and Elli Schultz Fenner100 USDMazal Tov on your Bat Mitzvah! We hope you continue your acts of chesed and follow in the footsteps of your amazing parents!!!
Malkie and Herzl Ginsburg50 USDMazal Tov Daniella on your Bat Mitzvah! May you continue to be a great source of nachat to your family and community
Shachar and Zev Levy180 ILSMazal Tov Daniella!
Noah Rabinsky180 USDMazel tov, Daniella!
Naomi and Ari Wiesen50 USDKol hakavod Daniella!!!
Avery and Aliza Joel250 USDIn honor of Ricky Rothner and the Rothner and Stark families. You all have such big hearts! Way to go Daniella!
Melissa Rothner 180 USDHow wonderful that you’re starting off as a בת מצוה by raising money for צדקה We’re very proud and duly impressed.
Avigail & David Rothner180 ILSMAZAL TOV TO DANIELLA! So special that you are celebrating your bat mitzvah this way!
Eric Rothner250 USDMazel Tov on your becoming a Bas Mitzvah and Yasher Koach on being part of such a wonderful project. Love, Zayde
Aharon Shevach180 USDMazal tov!! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Sending you so much love. Xoxo, Aharon Shevach & Adina Steinman-Shevach
Nira & Jacob Stark50 USD
Buckhurst Lemonade Stand85 USDKeep up the great fundraising!
Amy and Daniel rothner100 USD
Liora and David Stark180 USDTo our extraordinary, loving, beautiful, sweet niece- Mazal tov and kol hakavod! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see you soon!
Josh Pollick36 USD
Anonymous250 USDDani, you are truly an amazing young woman. Love you tons!
Anna and Alain Serels52 USDMazal Tov!
Elise Goldsmith 100 USDMazel Tov! This is amazing. Love, the Goldsmith/Shiffrin cousins
Tamar & Elliot Smith50 USDgo daniella go!! mazel tov!! xo
Anonymous100 USDGreat Job Dani!!!!!!
Lyndsay Shoag 50 USDMazal Tov Dani! We love you and are so proud of you!
rivka felsenstein500 ILSmazal tov Daniella!! We are very proud if you and your wonderful decision to support Shalva!!!