Eden Soloway

My Fundraising Goal: 300 GBP
Total Raised To Date: 440 GBP
Exceeded my goal by: 140 GBP

I was so touched when I visited Shalva this year on a mother/daughter batmitzvah trip to Israel with SEED that I decided I want to donate 5% of all the money I receive for my batmitzvah in August plus any other money that my family & friends wish to donate.

All Sponsors:
Anonymous95 gbpMazal Tov Eden. I'm delighted that you have chosen this wonderful organisation to share you Simcha.
Sarah Weller18 USDMazal tov
Nina Soloway330 gbpThis is Eden and I am donating 5% of the money I received for my Batmitzvah last weekend 🦋🌸❤️